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Aktenvernichter HSM Securio: Entspannt Akten vernichten – mit 5 Jahren Garantie.

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Inwerk: Starte das neue Jahr mit top ergonomischen Büromöbeln. Sonderaktion vom 08.01.–28.01.2024.

Business-Englisch & Business-Spanisch: Weihnachtsgrüße

Eng­lisch und Spa­nisch sind die wich­tigs­ten Spra­chen in der Geschäfts­welt. In die­sem Teil unse­rer Fremd­spra­chen­se­rie zei­gen die Exper­ten der Sprach­schu­le Ibe­ri­ka, wie Sie in die­sen Spra­chen Weih­nachts­grü­ße verfassen.

Foto: teracreonte/

Foto: teracreonte/


It’s that time of year! The holi­day sea­sons are approa­ching, and regard­less of which holi­day you and your cli­ents cele­bra­te, it is a nice idea to send season’s gree­tings to cus­to­mers, cli­ents, employees, donors, and whoe­ver else con­tri­bu­tes to making your com­pa­ny suc­cessful. Whe­ther you send your holi­day mes­sa­ges by mail or by email, it is important to sound pro­fes­sio­nal and joyful. This artic­le will intro­du­ce some com­mon phra­ses that are used to send holi­day mes­sa­ges. You will learn stan­dard and simp­le gree­tings as well as more busi­ness spe­ci­fic messages.

Standard Messages

If you want to send a simp­le gree­ting, here are some popu­lar stan­dard phra­ses to use. Keep in mind, “Mer­ry Christ­mas” has a reli­gious affi­lia­ti­on, so you may want to use “Hap­py Holi­days” or “Season’s Gree­tings” to send a non-deno­mi­na­tio­nal message.

  • Mer­ry Christ­mas and a Hap­py New Year. 
  • Mer­ry Christ­mas and Best Wis­hes for a Hap­py New Year.
  • Hap­py Holidays!
  • Season’s Gree­tings!
  • Season’s Gree­tings from all of us at [your com­pa­ny name]!
  • War­mest thoughts and best wis­hes for a won­derful Holi­day and a Hap­py New Year!
  • Here’s to a hap­py and healt­hy 2018 for you and yours!
  • Peace, love and hap­pi­ness to all!

Business Oriented Messages: Customers, clients, donors

Here are some phra­ses to thank cus­to­mers, cli­ents, and donors for their coope­ra­ti­on and to wish them a joyful holi­day sea­son. Remem­ber, do not use a holi­day card as a sales act, but as a plea­sant remin­der to cus­to­mers you want to keep in the upco­ming year. So that the card does not seem mass pro­du­ced, you can add a per­so­na­li­zed mes­sa­ge with names or spe­ci­fic suc­cessful moments from the pre­vious year.

  • With 2017 coming to a clo­se, we wan­ted to reach out and send our best wis­hes to you and yours! It has been a plea­su­re get­ting to know you and your orga­niza­ti­on this year. May 2018 be your best year yet!
  • With thanks for our coope­ra­ti­on this year, we wish you a Hap­py Holi­day Sea­son and look for­ward to con­ti­nuing our joint suc­cess in the New Year. 
  • Here’s to a pro­spe­rous 2018! We app­re­cia­te your sup­port and look for­ward to future collaborations! 
  • As ano­ther year comes to an end, we wan­ted to say thank you and wish you all the best. 
  • We wan­ted to say thank you for sup­port­ing our cau­se and look for­ward to your con­tin­ued back­ing in 2018. All the best to you and yours! 
  • All of us at [your com­pa­ny name] join in sen­ding you best wis­hes for a pro­spe­rous New Year. 
  • As we at [your com­pa­ny name] look back at 2017, we remem­ber our faithful customers/donors with sin­ce­re gra­ti­tu­de. Customers/donors like you.

Business Oriented Messages: Employees

It’s a nice sen­ti­ment to send your employees or tho­se you work clo­se­ly with a per­so­na­li­zed holi­day card. It shows you are thin­king of them and app­re­cia­te the hard work they have done. Again, try to avo­id gene­ra­liza­ti­ons and add a per­so­nal mes­sa­ge to your card.

  • With 2017 coming to an end, I wan­ted to take this time to say thank you for all your hard work. Sen­ding you warm Season’s Gree­tings and a very Hap­py New Year to you and yours! 
  • In warm app­re­cia­ti­on, we wish you Hap­py Holi­days and a Hap­py New Year!
  • Thank you for your gre­at team­work and com­mit­ment this past year!

If you want to give a holi­day bonus, here’s an exam­p­le mes­sa­ge to include.

  • Thanks for all that you do! Here’s a litt­le token of our app­re­cia­ti­on for your gre­at work and dedication. 


Vor den Weih­nachts­ta­gen ver­schickt doch jeder gern Grü­ße – sei es per E-Mail oder als Gruß­kar­te. Und wer freut sich nicht über gute Wün­sche für die Fei­er­ta­ge oder für das neue Jahr? Wenn wir über unser Unter­neh­men Weih­nachts­grü­ße ver­schi­cken, ist es wich­tig, dass die­se seri­ös aber gleich­zei­tig auch fröh­lich klin­gen. Dabei unter­schei­det man Stan­dard-For­mu­lie­run­gen, Weih­nachts­grü­ße spe­zi­ell für Part­ner oder Kun­den sowie Weih­nachts­grü­ße an die Mit­ar­bei­ter des Unternehmens.


  • ¡Feli­ces Fiestas!
  • ¡Feliz Navi­dad y un Prós­pe­ro Año Nuevo!
  • ¡Un Feliz 2018 para todos!
  • Con nues­tros mejo­res deseos
  • ¡Paz, amor y feli­ci­d­a­des para todos!
  • Te dese­a­m­os un Feliz Año Nue­vo lle­no de paz y salud para ti y los tuyos

Weihnachtsgrüße an Partner und Kunden des Unternehmens:

  • En esta épo­ca que­remos salu­dar­le y envi­ar­le los mejo­res dese­os para el año nue­vo de par­te de(Nombre de la empresa).
  • (Nombre de la empre­sa) quie­re agra­de­cer­le por los nego­ci­os rea­liz­ados con noso­tros, y dese­ar­le en esta tem­po­ra­da unas feli­ces fies­tas y prós­pe­ro año.
  • Sus ami­gos en (Nombre de la empre­sa) le envia­mos los mejo­res dese­os en estas fies­tas, y le dese­a­m­os un prós­pe­ro año.
  • Todos en (Nombre de la empre­sa) le agra­de­ce­mos por tra­ba­jar con noso­tros este año que ter­mi­na y espe­ra­mos con inte­rés tra­ba­jar con usted de nue­vo el año que está por comen­zar. ¡Feli­ces Fiestas!

Weihnachtsgrüße an die Mitarbeiter des Unternehmens:

  • A cada uno de nues­tros emp­lea­dos les dese­a­m­os los mejo­res éxi­tos en este año que está por comen­zar. Su esfuer­zo y buen des­em­pe­ño son vali­o­sos para que con­sig­amos nuestras metas.
  • Le dese­a­m­os que el año ent­ran­te ven­ga lle­no de mucha ale­gría y pro­spe­ri­dad. Feliz Año Nue­vo, les desea cor­di­al­men­te nues­tra compañía.
Ibe­ri­ka Sprach­schu­le, Ber­lin.

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