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Aktenvernichter HSM Securio: Entspannt Akten vernichten – mit 5 Jahren Garantie.

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Inwerk: Starte das neue Jahr mit top ergonomischen Büromöbeln. Sonderaktion vom 08.01.–28.01.2024.

About us


The Ber­lin based publi­shing house PRIMA VIER Neh­ring Ver­lag has five main fields of activity:

OFFICE ROXX Mag. Mag for modern work

The OFFICE ROXX Mag is the only Ger­man office maga­zi­ne which covers the enti­re spec­trum of office rela­ted topics: office cul­tu­re, office equip­ment, office tech­no­lo­gy and office sup­pli­es. Com­pe­tent, com­pact and complete.

MODERN OFFICE. The very best for offices

The high-qua­li­ty sup­ple­ments are enc­lo­sed as spe­cial publi­ca­ti­ons to renow­ned news­pa­pers and busi­ness maga­zi­nes like Frank­fur­ter All­ge­mei­ne Zei­tung, Süd­deut­sche Zei­tung, Wirt­schafts­Wo­che and Han­dels­blatt (print run at least 100,000 copies).

OFFICE ROXX. Blog for modern work

OFFICE ROXX pro­vi­des infor­ma­ti­on about modern offices in all its facets. Fea­tured are news, pro­duct recom­men­da­ti­ons and com­pa­ri­sons, guest posts, user and fair reports, check­lists, tips, tests, reviews and many more. Also on Lin­ke­dInFace­book and Twit­ter.

OFFICE DEALZZ. The office busi­ness blog

OFFICE DEALZZ informs about all are­as of the office eco­no­my and bey­ond. The por­tal is aimed at indus­try and com­mer­ce. OFFICE DEALZZ is a „hub for manu­fac­tu­r­ers and dea­lers“. It sees its­elf as a bridge bet­ween pro­du­cers and sel­lers. Also on Lin­ke­dIn and Twit­ter.

DIMBA. Deut­sches Insti­tut für moder­ne Büroarbeit 

The insti­tu­te explo­res cur­rent deve­lo­p­ments con­cer­ning good – pro­duc­ti­ve, healt­hy and com­for­ta­ble – office work. The insti­tu­te pres­ents its know­ledge at events (main­ly at so cal­led office trend fora „Büro­trend­fo­ren“), in publi­ca­ti­ons and with cam­paigns, (curr­ent­ly Pri­ma­Bü­ro­Kli­ma for bet­ter indoor cli­ma­te, Bewe­gung im Büro for more moving und Quiet plea­se! for bet­ter room acou­stics). The DIMBA aca­de­my also orga­ni­zes semi­nars and trade fair tours.

The publi­shing house also designs, laun­ches, hosts and ope­ra­tes web­sites on behalf of the com­pa­ny, such as the web­site of the Ger­man Office Net­work Deut­sches Netz­werk Büro and Büro­blog Schweiz. He also ope­ra­tes in the field of cor­po­ra­te publi­shing. Its offers include com­pa­ny maga­zi­nes, book pro­duc­tions like OFFICE PIONEERS and OFFICE BRANDS, pro­duc­tion of moving images and many more.

Germany’s leading publishing house for office related topics

With its print maga­zi­nes, online por­tals and the insti­tu­te which also orga­ni­zes events and publi­ci­ty cam­paigns the PRIMA VIER Neh­ring Ver­lag is the lea­ding publi­shing house in Ger­ma­ny for the office sector.

  • The only publi­shing house which covers the enti­re spec­trum of office rela­ted topics: office cul­tu­re, office equip­ment, office tech­no­lo­gy and office supplies.
  • The only publi­shing house which addres­ses all rele­vant tar­get groups: com­pa­ny owners, purcha­sing mana­gers, office mana­gers, entre­pre­neurs,  retail trad­ers, archi­tects, com­pa­ny medi­cal officers.
  • Among the dif­fe­rent office maga­zi­nes the pro­ducts of the publi­shing house achie­ve the lar­gest reach.
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